Saying A Lot With A Little: Powerful Classified Ads

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Saying A Lot With A Little: Powerful Classified Ads

Classified ads are perhaps the most popular form of small-business advertising available today. The reasons are many, ranging from cost, to simplicity, to effectiveness when seen by the right kind of audience. What you choose to advertise is up to you, but one fact remains: if your ad is going to get big results in a small space, every word has to count.


Classified ads are perhaps the most popular form of small-business advertising available today. The reasons are many, ranging from cost, to simplicity, to effectiveness when seen by the right kind of audience. What you choose to advertise is up to you, but one fact remains: if your ad is going to get big results in a small space, every word has to count.

First, make sure your ad grabs the attention of your readers with a good headline. Asking a question works well (HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO EARN $60K PER YEAR, PART-TIME?), as does telling people what the result of taking advantage of your offer will be (SAVE HUNDREDS ON YOUR LONG DISTANCE BILL!).

Next, try to make your product or service sound useful or exciting, without overdoing the hype or making promises you aren't going to keep. These tactics will only undermine your credibility, which you can't afford to do.

Using words like FREE, BONUS, and MONEY will also grab reader attention and make your ad stand out. Highlight or capitalize important words for emphasis, but try to refrain from using lots of exclamation points. Simply yelling at your prospects will get you nowhere!!!! See what I mean?

Once you've written your ad, use your spell checker. Even small mistakes in spelling or grammar can make you look careless or unreliable. When you're reading an ad and see typos, what do you think? Keep in mind the fact that your audience most likely ISN'T full of idiots.

Overall, make sure your ads will get noticed, convey the facts, and tell people what your product or service will do for THEM. A good ad will show people the benefits of your product, get them interested, then give them an EASY way to contact you. If you can do all these things, your classified ad will serve you well.

ads, advertising, classified, marketing, writing, business, affordable, cheap advertising

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